Thursday, September 13, 2012

consternation leads to mental constipation, rendering one incapable of hearing the voices of imagination, creativity and love.  its okay if you feel like shit and you need to come to my house, just don't shit on my living room floor. go straight to the bathroom, crap into the crapper where it belongs and then we can talk and share productively. its fine too if you want to keep showing up in my dream to show me where i still hold out for separation, but i am vigilant for my Whole Mind so i embrace it as my own and move on.  we probably won't get to hang out much if you keep insisting on holding yourself stuck inside a cracked head - not seeing the light that is coming in. as soon as there is light, the dark is gone. "everything has a crack in it, that's how the Light gets in" -leonard cohen. if you want your Visions to come to fruition, you have to give your vision to yourself first and do the work. and doing the work to get your visions out to the world isn't about marketing or pounding the pavement or social media, if you don't test drive it yourself everyday. first things first, Whole Mind has to be your personal Practice, so that form can follow Function. one cannot Trust in their own Vision without this self-directedness and would naturally be worried and frustrated about it. if we want our visions to sustain us, and we want to trust in them, we must know it, love it and understand it by our Practice within ourselves, first things first, and release result oriented thinking.  trust within Is the work.  we all know how to put one foot in front of the other and speak. it has nothing to do with the past and all the effort and work you have done. it has to do with this very instant, right now, where you have the choice to Live your vision from within or push it out like a really tough poOP! why be sisyphus when you are the Mountain, the Man, the Boulder, the Sky and Dreamer of the dream? you decide!  …just keepin it real over here at First Things First studio, east village new yawk citee!